Five Ways to Wellbeing

Taking steps towards living well

Five Ways to Wellbeing

Taking steps towards living well

A Renewal and Recovery Programme 2022-2025 structured around the Five Ways to WellbeingCovid-19 pandemic has hit our local communities hard and in particular our target groups – socially isolated older people 60 years+ living alone on low income from highly diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. During the Pandemic these marginalised groups were at high risk of becoming even more lonely and disadvantaged as a result of prolonged self-isolation and the consequences of contracting the virus. As the Government has implemented a gradual relaxation of lockdown restrictions so we must ensure that our most isolated and marginalised older people are not left behind whilst the rest of society returns to a new near normal world.

We have expanded our outreach work and doubled the size of our staff team so that we can reach out into the wider community to engage with as many older people from the high risk categories as possible drawing upon the knowledge and resources from our established local networks of delivery and supporting partner organisations. We have decided after piloting the idea to launch a new programme in April 2022 based upon the 5 Ways to Wellbeing orignally developed by the new economics foundation Adopting a holistic approach to tackle social, health and economic inequalities is not new to our charity but structuring it around the Five Ways of Wellbeing is and will enable us to develop a greater focus and clarity around our overarching and most important outcome- older peoples well-being- that is about feeling good and functioning well. Experiencing positive relation- ships, having some control over your life and having a sense of purpose are all important elements of wellbeing.

Five Ways to Wellbeing

The Third Age Project Renewal and Recovery Programme is structured around the Five Ways to Wellbeing

5 Ways Image

A holistic approach to renewal and recovery will enable our users to achieve the following outcomes:

5 Ways Image

1. Positive connections

Promoting participation & inclusion

Encouraging new social friendship networks

2. Be active

Take part in regular physical activity​

Discover a physical activity you enjoy​

We run a popular 60+ Health Club with physical exercise and activities to suit every level of ability and interest.

3. Keep Learning

You are never too old to learn something new

Set a challenge you will enjoy achieving

We deliver a wide and varied programme of community adult learning programmes including:

4. Be mindful

Be aware of the world around you​

Reflect on rich life experiences

We run a wide range of mindful activities including:

5. Help Others

Volunteer your time in helping others

Take on active roles to Shape your community

We nurture a strong self-help ethos and support older people to take on many key volunteering roles within the charity and outside in the wider community.