Who we are
Third Age Project was established over two decades ago in January 1997 to serve the needs of 1 in 4 of the local population who are over 60 years of age. Over the last two decades it has become an important and popular facility within the borough of Camden and widely recognised as a successful multicultural community resource centre.

Our mission
TAP’s mission is to turn on its head the prevalent view that the Third Age is a burden on society and promote the view old people are valuable and important assets to be placed at the very heart of a community. In doing so we transform older people’s lives, nurture creative aspiration, co-produce low cost services and build community, reversing the declining quality of life and well-being of the elderly.
Upcoming events
We run a variety of activities throughout the week for our members so there’s something for everyone.
Events for 27 January

Events for 28 January

Events for 29 January

Events for 30 January

Events for 31 January

Events for 1 February
Events for 2 February
Events for 3 February

Events for 4 February

Events for 5 February

Events for 6 February

Events for 7 February

Events for 8 February
Events for 9 February
Events for 10 February

Events for 11 February

Events for 12 February

Events for 13 February

Events for 14 February

Events for 15 February
Events for 16 February
Events for 18 February

Events for 19 February

Events for 20 February

Events for 21 February

Events for 22 February
Events for 23 February
Events for 24 February

Events for 25 February

Events for 26 February

Events for 27 February

Events for 28 February

We organise a wide and varied range of healthy living, community learning, befriending and support and physical activity programmes for older people of all abilities and interests.
- Third Age Project, Cumberland Market, Regent's Park, London NW1 3RH